361 Degrees Marketing


HL Alumni Business Connect


HLABC recognized the need to establish a strong brand identity that effectively communicated the value proposition of their platform to the alumni community. They sought to create a compelling brand narrative that resonated with entrepreneurs and encouraged active participation in the network. Furthermore, they required effective communication channels to reach their target audience and disseminate information about upcoming events and networking opportunities.


361 Degrees Marketing collaborated with HLABC to develop a comprehensive brand strategy. This included creating a distinctive logo that reflected the collaborative and dynamic nature of the platform. We implemented a robust social media marketing strategy to reach alumni, build community engagement, and promote upcoming events. We also developed a comprehensive event branding strategy to ensure a consistent and impactful brand experience at all HLABC events. Furthermore, we designed and printed high-quality brochures and stationery to effectively communicate the value proposition of the platform and encourage alumni participation. This integrated approach helped HLABC establish a strong brand identity, build a thriving community, and effectively connect with their target audience.

Client: HLABC

The Alumni Business Connect (ABC) is an initiative of the H L College Alumni Association, dedicated to fostering professional growth among its alumni (HLites). This unique platform aims to connect entrepreneurs, facilitate collaborative networking, and drive sustained business success through shared expertise.

Services: Logofolio, Stationery folio, Social Media, Event Branding.

The Silvery

The Silvery

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